[23-11-05] 中岡しゆう-NAKAOKA SHIYUU (ラプラスダークネス-LaplusDarknesss)

[23-11-05] NAKAOKA SHIYUU(Gofile - Your all-in-one storage solution)


Lower resolution version of [23-11-05] NKOK FC (sm7WoYrxUzDtTu68ijSpVpTk) - Archive - asmr-stash
This one is 640x360 vs 1280x720. I had the source resolution since I subbed for a month, but I forgot what it was.

Extra Mirrors

Trimmed Versions
Took out about 3:30 of silence, mostly during the talking sections and start/end. I tried to make it sound more like a voice pack rather than a stream. Also, compressed the audio. New Duration: 46:11

Technical Stats:

Compression settings: Threshold -29.3dB, ratio 2.5, attack 1ms, release 500ms, MakeUp 10dB
AV1+OPUS settings: -c:a libopus -b:a 128k -c:v libsvtav1 -preset 10 -crf 35
Original: 49:40 44.1K 1280x720p 30fps 865mb
Software used: Premiere Pro, FFMPEG

Trimmed Downloads: